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10+ Open Source Development Applications available for quick deployment on optimized Cloud Servers

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Supersede Traditional Hosting Services

All your cloud servers are managed to ensure prompt email delivery via the integrated Rackspace email addon.

Reliable Cloud Infrastructure

Cloudways is not just any other app hosting cloud platform. It has been built to support trusted cloud infrastructure providers, namely Vultr, DigitalOcean, Linode, Google Compute Engine and Amazon Web Services.

Ultra Fast Hosting Stack

Cloudways ThunderStack is a robust hosting stack that makes websites 100% faster without much effort. Use its power to create an awesome web app.

Built Your App

While you have the option to pick from a range of popular CMS, Ecommerce Builders, and Frameworks, you can always create your own app using the plain PHP stack.

Nearly Perfect Uptime

Most web apps on Cloudways have not seen a minute of downtime in months, even at times when traffic grew as much as 17 times than usual. In all cases, Cloudways has an uptime of 99.999%.

Managed Security

People get scared of cloud hosting. Why? Because they cannot manager servers. This is where Cloudways comes in. We’ll handle your servers. You just create great apps.


Apps need computing power. This is something you can never predict. On Cloudways, you pay for usage at the end of each calendar, according to the subscribed plan and overheads.


24x7 "Always On" Human Support

Our expert cloud support team is always there for you, even on Holidays through live chat and ticketing system.

24x7 Live Support Round The Clock Ticket Support

Cloudways Status Your Platform Status

98% Recommended Rate 13,158+ Ticket Solved